Sunday, March 11, 2012

New dress, Burda 7254

I finished a dress for myself and wore it for church today.  It is Burda 7254.  I am fairly happy with it, though it does have a few issues.  First, a picture of what it looked like when finished.  I hate the angle of this picture but oh well, my husband doesn't understand that I don't like pictures taken with the camera angling upward.
 This is what it looked like after a day of wearing it--sheath becomes a-line! Apparently a little stretchage happened around the hem. I wonder if it will change back when washed?
 Wow, I have some lovely expressions in these photos.
 My mother-in-law helped me pin it, because I think I made it at least one size too large, so she helped figure out where to take it in, and then I had to take it in even more on the shoulders.  I also lengthened the sleeves with a band around the cuff.  It's supposed to have a zipper and a slit in the bottom, but it's stretchy enough that it doesn't need a zipper, and I cut off 5 inches from the bottom (this pattern is made for someone who is 5'6" and I am 5'1"), so I did away with the slit.
Hello demanding child hand.  You can kind of see in this picture what the main problem is of this dress--the neckline.  It gapes horribly.  It doesn't expose anything, so that's not a problem, it just perpetually hangs down in a gape.  I think it's because I stretched the fabric while attaching the facing at the neckline, or something.  It's really irritating.  Other than that, I like the dress well enough. It's very comfortable.


  1. This is really pretty! It looks great on you, neckline and all!

  2. The dress looks lovely on you and the color is beautiful!!
    Have you washed the dress since and has the hem recovered?
    I am currently working on the same dress and using jersey. I really like how the skirt "goes in" at the bottom hem so I hope that mine doesn't stretch out :(

  3. yeah i'm working on it too! its a beautiful design, and im glad the pictures of it finished are just as beautiful as the drawn one.
